Katsuo or more commonly known as bonito, has been a perennial favorite in Japan. Using Super Frozen Katsuo Tataki and few ingredients, this quick and easy dish is delicious and great as an appetizer or a salad.
Katsuo Carpaccio with Olive Shiro Shoyu
- Salad Greens
- Mini Heirloom Tomatoes, quartered
- Super Frozen Katsuo Tataki with Skin [Item Number: 74028], defrosted
- Olive Shiro Shoyu [Item Number: 24196]
- Sriracha sauce, optional
- On a plate, arrange salad greens and top with mini heirloom tomatoes.
- Thinly slice Katsuo Tataki with Skin.
- To serve, arrange fish slices on the plate and drizzle with Olive Shiro Shoyu.