Most Japanese beers are primarily brewed using imported barley, however, these Hyakumangoku Beer series, crafted by Waku Waku Tezukuri Farm Kawakita are made by brewers who invest their hearts and souls in growing the best barley themselves to live up to their belief and motto: "beer making starts from barley making."
Gohyakumangoku Weizen
Item Number: 7577
Package: 24/11.15 floz (330ml)
Origin: Japan
Alcohol Content: 5%
Gohyakumangoku Pale Ale
Item Number: 7578
Package: 24/11.15 floz (330ml)
Origin: Japan
Alcohol Content: 5%
Gohyakumangoku Ale
Item Number: 7592
Package: 24/11.15 floz (330ml)
Origin: Japan
Alcohol Content: 4.5%
Gohyakumangoku Dark Ale
Item Number: 7593
Package: 24/11.15 floz (330ml)
Origin: Japan
Alcohol Content: 5.5%