Yobuko, Saga prefecture is famous for its fresh and delicious Kensaki Ika squid. Traditionally, Kensaki Ika is served as sashimi first, followed by the head and tentacles served as tempura. Yobuko Kensaki Ika has beautiful translucent flesh with melt-in-your-mouth texture and delicate sweetness.
CAS (Cells Alive System) is a groundbreaking instant freezing technology developed in Japan. It uses electromagnetic fields and mechanical vibrations to limit ice crystal formation that destroys food texture so the food stays as fresh as they are.

SUPER FROZEN YOBUKO KENSAKI IKA ROUND (L) | Item Number: 70298 | Package: About 0.88lb | Origin: Saga, Japan
Try Yobuko Kensaki Ika with these Sake from Saga Prefecture!

AMABUKI JUNMAI GINJO | Item Number: 3952 | Package: 12/720ml | Origin: Saga, Japan | Alcohol Content: 16.5% | Nihonsudo: +4.0 | Acidity: 1.5

AMABUKI GINNO KURENAI JUNMAI | Item Number: 3945 | Package: 12/720ml | Origin: Saga, Japan | Alcohol Content: 16% | Nihonshudo: +2.0