Little Tokyo Salutes the LAFD

Serving with Courage, Integrity, and Pride From July 1st to 3rd, five Little Tokyo restaurants joined in on a community service program, paying tribute to the Los Angeles Fire Department First Responders for their courageous services. Fire engines rolled into Little Tokyo stopping by the Little Tokyo Public Safety Association Koban, as fire fighters were…
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Single Serve Sake

Everyone loves happy hour. Especially now that COVID-19 has drastically changed every aspect of life, we see that people have slowly adjusted to the new norm. These days, people all over the world are looking for ways to connect with friends and loved ones. Videotelephony apps like Line and Zoom have made it easier for…
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Delivery & Takeout Directory

Overcoming harsh realities presented the current state of circumstances, restaurants are adapting their operations and preparing meals, providing much-needed sense of comfort to many homes. Below are web resources to organizations providing running lists of restaurants offering take-out/delivery services. Click on the organization name to jump to the list. Southern California LTCC/Go Little Tokyo :…
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